A Choice to Make

Daily Dose of Emily D

A great Hope fell
You heard no noise
The Ruin was within
Oh cunning wreck that told no tale
And let no Witness in

The mind was built for mighty Freight
For dread occasion planned
How often foundering at Sea
Ostensibly, on Land

A not admitting of the wound
Until it grew so wide
That all my Life had entered it
And there were troughs beside

A closing of the simple lid
That opened to the sun
Until the tender Carpenter
Perpetual nail it down —
— -- Emily Dickinson

Daily Scripture Reading

Anchor Verse

And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold, and will inherit eternal life.
— Matthew 19:29, NRSV


The person of the young man in our scripture passage really stands out to me. He is so eager to do what is right. So hopeful. He seems ready. He listens with intent and finds a connection. “I do all of this!” he claims, but pushes further. Jesus, using that term perfect that we encountered early on in this study of Matthew (5:48), asks this man to give up all that he has and to follow. This person goes away sad. He has great wealth and wants to hold on to it.

Like this man, our poet seems resigned to live a sad life. She had a great hope, and it came crashing down. She holds on to that feeling of loss, living a life of suffering and sadness to the point of envisioning taking her place in her coffin, the lid being sealed by the nails of Jesus. This image alludes to Jesus’ own nails and the sacrifice he made. For her there seems to be no joy, only sacrifice and death.

The question to ask is - what are we holding onto? What are the blocks in our lives that keep us from doing what we want to do and that keep us in a state of suffering? This man was sad. If he had given up all and followed, would he be happy? Why would we ever choose a life of sadness over happiness. Was wealth this man’s block? The speaker in this poem feels ruined, wounded, dying, and trapped. She has lost all hope and envisions her sad end. Her block is also to attachment - though not named, she refers to it as something for which she had expected— her “great Hope (v1).”

To read this passage Matthew, we need to be very careful. Many read and let go of one set of baggage for another. One example of this would be in forsaking wealth and then preaching asceticism.

Often we acquire things around us and begin to envision these things as our security and our foundation. This can be in the form of wealth and all that wealth brings, but it can also be in people and concepts as well.

Before I fully committed to following the call of Christ, I was afraid of the separation that it might cause between myself and others. When I made the commitment, I realized that it doesn’t separate, but instead allows more space for others and generates a deeper feeling of oneness with all. This letting go is like putting down the flower pot in your hand and turning to embrace the whole of the Garden of Eden. It’s like putting away a security blanket and being enfolded by the arms of a loving parent.

This sacrifice that we make is so very small. And the journey of a committed life isn’t characterized by lack but of abundance. It is a life of flow. Imagine moving out of stagnate waters into the flow of a beauty stream. That is what this shift is like.

Living a life of love is not always easy. On our journey even when fully committed, things will shake us, and our foundations will tremble. It is a deepening of our spirit. A committed life is a vigilant occupation of vulnerability awareness. It is a life of continual surrender. A life of joy, abundance, and freedom. A life of love.

Surrender is not weakness. It takes courage and trust. It takes faith to clean out the granary and await the mana. Resist no longer - release your fists - open your palms to the sky.


Hello and welcome to your guided meditation on surrender.

Find a comfortable place sitting in a cross legged position. Straighten your back. Close your eyes and relax. Take a deep breath in and a long breath out.

Hold your hand in front of your heart with your palms facing up. Breath in deeply, clenching your fists tightly. Exhale and release, palms opening. Breathe in and clench your fists, squeezing them tightly. Breathe out and open your palms, releasing any stress or tension. Again breathe in and squeeze and even tighten your face. Breathe out - release.

Now place you hands gently on your knees palms facing up, take a deep inhale and a long exhale. As you breathe in, feel the energy within flow. As you breathe out, let go of any stagnate energy. Breath in, love and light. Breath out - release all fear and doubt. You are relaxed.

You are grounded. Your creator is protecting you. Breathe in this feeling of safety. Breathe in the divine light that is around you breathe out the light within you. You are treasured. You are loved and you are cared for. Breathe in, breathe out. Surrender to this love.

It is Okay to let go. It is safe to release. Whatever you are holding onto is nothing compared to what is waiting for you as you allow yourself to let go and trust in the provisions of God. As you live a life of love - love for yourself, love for others, love for the Earth, love for God, all that you need will be provided. Breathe in love. Breath out - love. The life of love is an abundant fulfilling life.

As you settle deeper, welcome this mantra. Use it to guide you through this meditation.

I release control; I embrace a life of love.

I release control; I embrace a life of love.

I release control; I embrace a life of love.

It is time to release this mantra. Gently begin to move your body and become aware of the space around you. Move your fingers and toes. Open your eyes. Smile.

Bring your hands again before your heart holding your palms open to the sky. Breathe in and tighten them into fists, breathe out open them to the sky. Breath in and tighten, breathe out and release. Once more, breathe in and tighten. Breathe out - release. Smile and say:

I release control; I surrender.

Now place your palms together. And bring them to heart center. Feel the energy between them. Gently bow down and thank yourself for taking this time for yourself today.

Thank you for joining me in this process of surrendering. Love and light to you. Namaste.

Live a CHARMED Life.


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Word of Intention



Eight Affirmations of Gratitude

  • I am grateful for choice.

  • I am thankful for all of the commitments I have made.

  • I give thanks for the wealth of the universe.

  • I am thankful for true treasure.

  • I am thankful for my ability to trust.

  • I am so very thankful for my ability to let go.

  • I give thanks that I am loved and nurtured.

  • I am grateful that I am able to surrender.


Questions to Consider

  • What do I consider to be the treasures of my life?

  • Where do I place my hope?

  • Am I living a life of trust?



Thank you for joining me. Love and light to you my friend. Namaste.


With Eyes Wide Open


the Smallest