Consider the Lilies
Daily Dose of Emily D
“Some keep the Sabbath going to Church –
I keep it, staying at Home –
With a Bobolink for a Chorister –
And an Orchard, for a Dome –
Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice –
I, just wear my Wings –
And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church,
Our little Sexton – sings.
God preaches, a noted Clergyman –
And the sermon is never long,
So instead of getting to Heaven, at last –
I’m going, all along.”
Daily Scripture Reading
Anchor Verse
“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin”
So often we are all focused on getting. We seek to get attention, we seek to get recognition, we seek to get wealth, we seek to get health, we seek to get our basic needs met . . . We need to relax. As we let go and begin to release into the flow of our life, we discover abundance. It is not through pushing and pulling and straining that we accomplish the greatest things in our lives, but through belief. As we live true to our divine nature and live the life we love, our needs will be provided for: they will be gifted to us. Our poet today ends her verse with the observation, “So instead of getting to Heaven at last - I’m going, all along.” This is an insight well worth acquiring.
In a letter to a friend, Emily Dickinson once wrote, “The only commandment I ever obeyed — ‘Consider the lilies’” (The Letters of Emily Dickinson). If only we were to pick one commandment, this one really shines. To live without worry, fully secure in our identity, fully grounded and growing, glorifying God with our beauty as we lift our faces towards the light, towards the sky, towards heaven. Jesus has us to consider the lilies. “They neither toil nor spin,” he says, “And yet they are clothed splendidly (Matthew 6: 27-29).
When I am living the life I love, I am following my joy, my bliss, my heart. Our heart is our north star towards the kingdom. Grounded in our being, we can follow that star without worry. The universe is benevolent. Believe. Let go. Release to the flow. Quit striving to get. Give all that you have from the depths of your purest self. Give. Give to this world your joy. Give to this world you laughter. Give to this world the work of your hands. Give love. Give forgiveness. Give gratitude and open you hands for you shall receive all of this much much more.
With that said, let’s begin our meditation.
Find a comfortable seat on a rug, a pillow, a chair, or the ground. Close your eyes, rest your hands on your knees and begin to bring your awareness to your breath, slowly breathing in and out. Inhale and exhale. Relax your face. Allow your eyes to be heavy. Release your jaw. Allow any tension in your forehead to fall away. Inhale and exhale. You are safe. Inhale and exhale. Be the watcher of your thoughts, let them drift away like clouds across the sky. Inhale and exhale.
Welcome this mantra to guide you through your meditation today:
I am grounded, I am growing, I am living the life I love, and I am blessed.
I am grounded, I am growing, I am living the life I love, and I am blessed.
I am grounded, I am growing, I am living the life I love, and I am blessed.
I will ring a soft bell as we begin our mediation and then once again to let you know that it is time to let go of the mantra . . .
And now, let’s begin.
It is time to let go of the mantra. Slowly return to the sound of your breath. Gently move and become aware of the room around you. Take as long as you need, and when you are ready, flutter your eyes open.
As you go through your day to day, pay attention to your thoughts and your actions. Be aware of any worries as they arise. Breath in and with your out-breath, release them. Believe. You are a child of God, and all your needs will be met. In regards to getting, remember, there is nothing that you can get in all of your striving that is worth keeping. Believe. You have so very much to give - offer it all. With your beautiful generosity, believe, and watch as the kingdom of love and light expands like a field of wildflowers opening in the spring — and give thanks - give thanks.
Live a CHARMED Life.
Don’t forget your daily self care practices. Click here for inspiration.
Word of Intention
Eight Affirmations of Gratitude
I am grateful that I am loved.
I give thanks for relationship and that my desires are for the greatest good of all.
I am thankful for the abundance of food that I enjoy daily: the fresh fruits and vegetables, I give thanks for those.
I am thankful for my ability to forgive.
I am thankful that as I forgive, I am also forgiven.
I give thanks that I am safe and can live secure.
I am thankful that as I live the life I love, I will be blessed with everything I need to live freely, abundantly and beautifully.
I am grateful for this beautiful day!
Questions to Consider
Am I focused on getting or giving?
Where in my life am I working too hard, and how can I relax?
How can I restructure my life so as to be more like the birds of the air and the wildflowers of the meadows?
Thank you for joining me. Love and light to you my friend. Namaste.