I Seek Truth
Daily Dose of Emily D
“Tell all the truth but tell it slant —
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth’s superb surprise
As Lightning to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind —”
Daily Scripture Reading
Anchor Verse
“For to those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away. ”
The sun warms us each day with his faithful light. Moving across the sky so regularly, causing the plants to grow, triggering so many cellular processes for all of life, the Sun. Our poet alludes to this golden disk today at least on one level. She describes it as moving in a Circuit - too bright for our eyes, dazzling “us gradually,” and blinding us is we look on it too fully, too long. While describing this life giving orb, she simultaneously presents Truth, suggesting that if Truth be told, “then “Tell it slant.” And so, just as the Sun touches us through the slanting rays of light, so truth must come to us if we are to absorb it at all and survive.
Typical of our poet to work even more meaning into her short offerings, I think also there is another layer to this poem. Like the Sun, she too offers a slanting of light to illuminate our minds if we are ready. To my well-trained Biblical ears, I hear scriptural echoes within this text which at once is sparkling with spiritual scintillations. Our Biblical passage today certainly resonates with this idea proposed by our poet. Jesus, in speaking about the spiritual truths about the Kingdom of heaven, is offering these ideas indirectly, through the use of storytelling. To kindly explain the truth of the kingdom, he tells one parable after another. When asked why, he explains that some are not ready to hear the full truth directly. He also speaks that this is fulfill the words of the prophets. This is a theme that Matthew is making sure to highlight in his text so as to identify Jesus as the chosen one of God, the long awaited for Savior.
When we go to the prophets in searching this idea we find the promises of Isaiah: ”And he will destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations” (Isaiah 25:7, KJV). And later in that same text, “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising” (Isaiah 60:1-3).
Of the unfolding of the light, here is so much more to write. I want to keep these devotionals short, but there is just so much I want to discuss like the veil of Moses and his shiny face. Perhaps we will pick this theme up again - when the veil in the temple is torn latter on in our story of Matthew. Yes - let’s do that!
For now, let’s simply consider this: spiritual awakening is like rising each morning, gradually opening our eyes to the light of the day. And, let’s end with the words of the apostle Paul as he writes on this theme in a letter to one of the early Christian churches: “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known (1Corinthians 13:12, KJV)
And with all of that considered, let’s begin our meditation:
Come to a comfortable seated position, crossing your feet in front of you and resting your hands on your knees. Your back and neck should be straight. Close your eyes. Allow for your breath to slow down. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Inhale. Exhale. Become aware of any tension or pain that you maybe holding onto within your body. Breathe into those areas, and with each exhale, release the tension or pain. Inhale and exhale. Let it go. Release any thoughts or ideas about your day. With each exhale, let them go. You are relaxed. Inhale and exhale. Your mind is quiet. Enjoy the quiet.
Now Welcome this centering thought for today. It is yours to repeat throughout the meditation, or to come back to if your mind begins to drift away from this present moment.
I am thankful for the light of Truth; I feel its warmth illuminating my heart, and I am glad.
I am thankful for the light of Truth; I feel its warmth illuminating my heart, and I am glad.
I am thankful for the light of Truth; I feel its warmth illuminating my heart, and I am glad.
And now silently in your mind,
Begin to come back to your breath. Gently move your body and when you are ready, open your eyes. Notice how you feel.
As you go through your day today, notice the light and how it is a gift. Embrace it for all that it reveals and warms. Let it guide you.
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Word of Intention
Eight Affirmations of Gratitude
I am grateful for understanding.
I am thankful for eyes that see.
I give thanks for ears that hear.
I am thankful for stories that help me to understanding.
I am thankful that truth is revealed to me gradually, as I am prepared for it.
I am so very thankful for the perfect journey of my life.
I give thanks for truth.
I am grateful for superb surprises and kind explanations.
Questions to Consider
Is there anything that I am doing in my life that prevents me from see the whole truth?
Am I open to learning new things?
Do I always seek the truth?
Thank you for joining me. Love and light to you my friend. Namaste.