Thank You in Each Moment
Daily Dose of Emily D
“Bee! I’m expecting you!
Was saying Yesterday
To Somebody you know
That you were due—
The Frogs got Home last Week—
Are settled, and at work—
Birds, mostly back—
The Clover warm and thick—
You’ll get my Letter by
The seventeenth; Reply
Or better, be with me—
Yours, Fly.”
Daily Scripture Reading
Anchor Verse
“At that time Jesus said, ‘I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth’”
The days are getting longer where I live on this planet Earth, and warmer. The birds are singing every morning now, and their songs sound happier and brighter to me. “Spring is on its way!” They are announcing! I can’t wait. I am expecting it! Our poet today writes with this energy of expectation. All the signs reveal that at any moment, there will be an arrival of an expected one. In our scripture reading today, John also is waiting. Of Jesus, he asks, “Are you the One; or, are we to wait for another?”
Waiting is a human activity. We wait for water to boil. We wait at bus stops for our bus to come. We wait for our loved ones to get off work. We wait on messages and phone calls. It is natural to wait. But, some of us are waiting when the ship is already in the harbor. We are looking out in the distance, when what we are waiting for is right beside us — we are blind to it? Why?
What is it that we are expecting?
Perhaps, instead of with the energy of expectation, we should seek to increase our feelings of gratitude. Thank you. Thank you for this moment. Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for the air I breathe. Thank you for the sunshine that warms me. Thank you. Even when things do not go as expected we can still be thankful. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for knowledge. Thank you that I have gained insight. Thank you. In our passage, Jesus is grateful even when many who are powerful and strong reject him, he continues in gratitude. Thank you he says for those who do accept. Thank you. Thank you.
While waiting and patience should be a part of our practice, if we give attention to what we have moment by moment, we will not miss all of that that has already arrived in our lives.
With the intention of gratitude, let’s move into our meditation.
Let’s begin.
Come to a comfortable seated position, crossing your feet in front of you and resting your hands on your knees. Your back and neck should be straight. Close your eyes. Allow for your breath to slow down. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Inhale. Exhale. Become aware of any tension or pain that you maybe holding onto within your body. Breathe into those areas, and with each exhale, release the tension or pain. Inhale and exhale. Let it go. Release any thoughts or ideas about your day. With each exhale, let them go. You are relaxed. Inhale and exhale. Your mind is quiet. Enjoy the quiet.
As I give thanks, repeat these thanksgivings after me. Remember, if these thanksgivings do not feel true for you today, keep feeling the gratitude, and they will become your reality.
Thank you.
Thank you for all of my many blessings.
That you for my home.
Thank you for water.
Thank you for the air I breathe.
Thank you for nourishing food available to me.
Thank you.
Thank you for all of the wonderful experiences this day will bring.
Thank you for all the many opportunities this day will bring.
Thank you for memory.
Thank you.
Thank you for relationships.
Thank you for all of the people in my life.
Thank you for all of the animals in my life.
Thank you for my friends.
Thank you for my family.
Thank you for all of my teachers and all my lessons learned.
Thank you.
Thank you for my health.
Thank you for my healthy lungs.
Thank you for my health heart.
Thank you for my healthy eyes.
Thank you for my healthy digestive system.
Thank you for my healthy mind.
Thank you.
Thank you for my wealth.
Thank you for all of the gifts that I have received in my life.
Thank you for all of the gifts I have had the freedom to give.
Thank you for financial freedom.
Thank you.
Thank you for Nature.
Thank you for the birds.
Thank you for the clouds.
Thank you for flowers.
Thank you for beauty.
Thank you.
Thank you for for my positivity.
Thank you.
Thank you for my creativity.
Thank you.
Thank you for my generosity.
Thank you.
Thank you for my acceptance.
Thank you.
Thank you for my perfect life.
Thank you.
Thank you that I love and that I am loved.
Thank you.
And now silently in your mind, giving thanks for whatever comes into your mind.
Begin to come back to your breath. Lift your arms to the sky and gather up all that positive energy and then bring them down to your heart. Holding them in front of your heart in prayer position. Thank you. Thank you for doing with me today. Thank you for radiating love into the word. Thank you for radiating joy into the word. Thank yourself for making this time for yourself today. Thank you. Thank you. May you have a blessed day. May you expect the best of today and everyday, and through gratitude recognize that what you were waiting for, is already here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
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Word of Intention
Eight Affirmations of Gratitude
I am grateful for my gratitude.
I am thankful for each moment of my life.
I give thanks for my happiness.
I am thankful for my joy.
I am thankful for the work of my hands.
I am thankful that I am settled.
I give thanks for friends.
I am grateful for being.
Questions to Consider
Am I always waiting for something, or am I content in the moment?
How can I practice more gratitude for all aspects of my life?
Is there something truly great happing right beside me of which I am unaware?
Thank you for joining me. Love and light to you my friend. Namaste.