Touch the Sky
Daily Dose of Emily D
“We never know how high we are
Till we are asked to rise
And then if we are true to plan
Our statures touch the skies —
The Heroism we recite
Would be a normal thing
Did not ourselves the Cubits warp
For fear to be a King —”
Daily Scripture Reading
Anchor Verse
“You are the light of the world. ”
We are called to recognize our greatness. Even to perfection. What is our response? Our poet today speaks of this call to greatness. “We never know how high we are,” she writes, “Till we are asked to rise.” She also understands how truly grand we are, “If we are true to plan — our statures touch the skies.” In our scripture reading, Jesus says that we are the Light of the world” and that we can and do glorify “God” as we radiate that light out into the world. Again and again he reminds us that we are children of God. He speaks of our divine nature, that energy within us that was, and is, and will be eternally with God.
When I say to you, you are divine. How do you feel about that? When I call you the daughter of God, the son of God, what is your reaction?
In the poem today, Dickinson observes that fear keeps us from rising to be all that we can be. She suggests that “Heroism” is “normal,” but we “warp” the “Cubits,” “For fear to be a King —” It is interesting, her use of Cubits here. She is speaking of great distances, and “cubits” is a archaic term used to describe measurement and it is basically and arm’s length. Yes. That is what we do. From our bodily perspective, we keep ourselves tied. We have a fear of heights, on many levels. And all these laws that we create, and all these boundaries we instate are all from this bodily perspective. Our call is to rise beyond this body, and to recognize that we are so much more than that.
With that said, let’s begin our meditation.
Find a comfortable seat on a rug, a pillow, a chair, or the ground. Close your eyes, rest your hands on your knees and begin to bring your awareness to your breath, slowly breathing in and out. Inhale and exhale. Relax your face. Allow your eyes to be heavy. Release your jaw. Allow any tension in your face to fall away. Inhale and exhale. You are safe. Inhale and exhale. Be the watcher of your thoughts, let them drift away like clouds across the sky. Inhale and exhale.
Welcome this mantra to guide you through your meditation today:
I am light; I am love; I am perfect.
I am light; I am love; I am perfect.
I am light; I am love; I am perfect.
I will ring a soft bell as we begin our mediation and then once again to let you know that it is time to let go of the mantra . . .
And now, let’s begin.
It is time to let go of the mantra. Slowly return to the sound of your breath. Gently move and become aware of the room around you. Take as long as you need, and when you are ready, flutter your eyes open.
As you go through your day to day, stay in touch with your higher self. Recognize the divinity that is you and that is in the people that you meet.
While meditating today, I thought of two paintings by Nicholas Roerich. When their titles are read together, they proclaim: “And We Open the Gates, And We Are Not Afraid.” Open the gates of your heart. Open your mind to the limitless possibilities of your majestic life. Without fear, embrace your perfection—your perfect self. Rise above the boundaries. Be the love. Be the Light.
Live a CHARMED Life.
Don’t forget your daily self care practices. Click here for inspiration.
Word of Intention
Eight Affirmations of Gratitude
I am grateful for my many blessings.
I am thankful that I have a divine purpose.
I give thanks that I am the salt of the Earth.
I am thankful that I am the Light of the world.
I am thankful that I am a child of God.
I give thanks that I can give and do give glory to God.
I am thankful that I am asked to rise.
I am grateful for my perfect life!
Questions to Consider
What does it mean to be perfect, and to live a perfect life?
How can I remember my blessings?
How can I be perfect as my God is perfect?
Thank you for joining me. Love and light to you my friend. Namaste.
And We Open the Gate
by Nicholas Roerich
And We Are Not Afraid
by Nicholas Roerich