10 Earth-Body-Soul: A Meditation for Strength and Stillness
“Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create.”
Daily Word of Intention
Centering Thought
I am strong; I am still; I am perfectly balanced for this day.
How do you find serenity?
Do you know how strong you are?
Are you allowing your stillness?
Are you comfortable in your peace?
I am so thankful for my strength. I am thankful that I am always stronger than I think I am. I am thankful that I am always strong enough. I am thankful that I am becoming stronger each day. I am thankful also for my stillness. I am thankful that even in my stillness, I am strong.
To Prepare for Today’s Meditative Work:
Find a quiet place free from any distractions and take a seat. Take a moment to shake out any tension that you may be feeling within your body, adjusting yourself into a comfortable cross-legged position or even lying down flat on your back if that is more comfortable for you. Feel the surface beneath you. You are completely supported. You are are grounded. You are safe in this peaceful, quiet place. Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath in through your nose. Exhale fully through your mouth with a loud sigh out. Do that again, inhale deeply through the nose, and exhale through your mouth with a loud sigh out. And once more: inhale and exhale. Return to a few rounds of natural breathing.
Observe your breath as you inhale and exhale. Place one hand on your heart and one on your belly. Breathe in and feel warmth circulating within and breathe out through the nose giving yourself space to relax. Do that again - in through the nose - feeling warmth; exhaling through the nose - relaxing.
Transcript for the Meditation
You are Strong. (Inhale that thought in and exhale). Your body is strong. (Breathe in, and release). Your mind is strong. (Breathe in, release). The strength of your soul has no limits. (Breathe in through the nose and release though your mouth). You are gifted with all the strength you need to accomplish all that you need to and want to accomplish. Breathe in this recognition and slowly exhale with thanksgiving. Soften your face. Relax. Sink into stillness. Settle into this present moment.
Breathe in. And Breathe out. Relax.
You are Still. (Inhale that thought in and exhale). Your body is still. (Breathe in, and release). Your mind is still. (Breathe in, release). In your stillness, you are strong and the stillness and strength of your soul has no limits. Breathe in through your nose and release though your mouth. You are gifted with all the stillness you need to accomplish all that you need to and want to accomplish. Breathe in this recognition and slowly exhale with thanksgiving. Soften your face. Relax. Sink into stillness. Settle into this present moment. Feel your calm and your strength as you listen to the beating of your heart.
Keeping your spine straight, let’s welcome this centering thought to guide us as we settle deeper into our meditative state:
I am strong; I am still; I am perfectly balanced for this day.
I am strong; I am still; I am perfectly balanced for this day.
I am strong; I am still; I am perfectly balanced for this day.
Observe how you feel when you repeat these words. Do you hesitate? Do you question? Do you believe? Are you confident? Let the thoughts pass. Do not judge them. Let them drift by as ripples on water and continue to focus on the phrase: I am strong; I am still; I am perfectly balanced for this day.
Now silently in your mind.
Gently begin to move your toes and fingers. Bring your palms to heart. Breathe in and breathe out. Notice how you feel. Carry this feeling with you throughout your day and know that whenever and wherever you may be, you can tap into your stillness and your strength that is always present within you.
Thank you for joining me to meditate today. Have a beautiful day. Peace for now - And remember, stay CHARMED ~