1 Earth-Body-Soul: A Discovery
“I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows . . .”
Daily Word of Intention
Centering Thought
My world before me - I embark - I am the discoverer -
Are you open to learning new things?
What are the key assets of a successful discoverer?
What is it that you would like to discover-about the world-about yourself?
I am thankful. I am thankful for this day. I am thankful for my eyes and my ears. I am thankful for my openness. I am thankful for all of the opportunities in this beautiful day. I am thankful for my discoveries and for the love I have in discovering more and more things about my world.
With the world as it is in these times, it is easy to feel on edge. Self-care is so important. Many people have noted this and the commercial world has responded. In the market place, there are many things one can purchase that can be used to take care of the body. There are ads everywhere offering help for the mind. And it is easy to buy powders and potions, and to buy into prefabricated programs in our attempts to find balance or whatever it is that we think we need; however, I find, that what I need to stabilize and to nurture my body, mind, and spirt are free - And the best way that I discover them is through slowing down and getting into nature- observing the ways of our Earth. A walk through the forest or through a garden does wonders for my whole being. That is what I would like to focus on this month: discovery. Discovery of who I am and whatever it is I need through discovery of what the Earth is offering me. Through art journaling, garden adventuring, and pursuing articles of science, catalogues of history, and books of lore, I will continue with my study of herbs, and will be also looking to edible flowers to find what they can tell me about how to thrive. As I cycle through the days, I will take these treasures to make teas to nourish my body; I will meditate on their beauty and earthy characteristics to clear and focus my mind and to nurture my soul. I hope you will join me, not only for when we have tea, but for each page this month in this time of discovery. Peace for now - And remember, stay CHARMED ~
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.