7 Earth-Body-Soul: Learning Strength from the Echinacea

If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.
— Buddha.

Daily Word of Intention



Centering Thought

I am like the echinacea, I grow strong; I attract abundance.



  • When you are weak, how do you find your strength?

  • Do you grow your own echinacea?

  • Did you know that echinacea comes from Greek and means spiny like a hedgehog or sea urchin?



I am so thankful for my ability to learn. I am thankful for the internet that makes research so easy. I am thankful for history. I am thankful for all of the insights I have learned today about this flower. I am thankful for the joy I experience every time I see my bed of hardy echinacea growing in my garden. I am thankful that I too can be hardy and as strong as this beautiful flower.


I am the Yah'pehu, the echinacea, from the Greek echinos, meaning spiny, or prickly. I was so named because I resemble a sea urchin. Native to the Great Plains of North America, I am also known as wetop or widows’ comb, ashosikwimia ‘kuk, or smells like a muskrat, inshtogahte-hi, eye, and purple coneflower. I am cousin to the sunflower and coreopsis. From head to toe, I am beautiful and useful. I am wild harvested by many and even poached. If you buy me, make sure I have been sustainable sourced. Best to grow me yourself. I am easy to grow and very hardy. Chew my roots to relieve your sore throat. I dispel colds. My tea is healing. I am great for your lungs and your whole respiratory system. Make me into a salve and sooth skin irritations. I will bolster your immune system. I protect cells from viruses and bacteria. I reduce inflammations. I am potent. Don’t use me continuously for more than two weeks at a time; avoid my extract during pregnancy. Juice me, or adorn your salads with my brightly colored petals. Use me in tinctures, brew me into teas. I am healing. I am a blood purifier. I cleanse the body. In difficult times, carry me with you for inner strength. I draw prosperity and abundance.

Works Cited

Heinzel, Jennifer. “The History of Echinacea, Part 1.” The Mother Earth News. https://www.motherearthliving.com/wiser-living/the-history-of-echinacea-part-1. assessed 3 July, 2021.

Starbuck, Jamison. “Echinacea’s Healing Touch.” Better Nutrition, vol. 63, no. 2, Feb. 2001, p. 62. EBSCOhost, search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=f5h&AN=4182054&site=eds-live.

William. Anthony. “Echinacea.” https://www.medicalmedium.com/blog/echinacea. Assessed 3 July 2021.


Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you. Peace for now - and remember, stay CHARMED ~


8 Earth-Body-Soul: Consulting With Dill, Stillness


6 Earth-Body-Soul: Gratitude Affirmations for Serenity and Joy