28 Aseop’s Fable of the Boy and the Nettles
Fable of the Boy and the Nettles
A boy was stung by a Nettle. He ran home and told his Mother, saying, “Although it hurts me very much, I only touched it gently.” “That was just why it stung you,” said his Mother. “The next time you touch a Nettle, grasp it boldly, and it will be soft as silk to your hand, and not in the least hurt you.”
“Whatever you do, do with all of your might.”
I am not dainty about living my life. I grab hold - and release in vibrancy. I meet each moment with a fullness of being. Breathing in and breathing out, I live. I am confident about being. The thistles and thorns and saw-toothed nettles of this world are smooth in my hands - all - reminders of my fortitude.
“No need to teach an eagle to fly”
Do you find this fable meaningful?
Do these words remind you of something you have heard or said before?
Do these words benefit you in any way?
Have you ever read or listened to other fables by Aesop?
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