10 In the Wake of Mistake
“I write, erase, rewrite,
Erase again, and then
A poppy blooms”
In the wake of mistake, beauty arises. In the midst of my misstep, a poopy blooms. Page after page, I turn; I write. Tripping and stumbling my way to success. I love my eraser. I am thankful for the reset.
In life, the idea of perfection seems to hover. So many people have the idea that art or whatever it is that they are creating should be perfect from the start. Some people stop trying because they feel that whatever they do is not “good enough.” Being perfect should never keep us from doing what we love or what we are driven to do. Reflect on the child learning to walk. Lifting and falling, tripping and stumbling and then gliding. And as a child in play, innocently and with joy moving through our day to day - all the time perfecting our movements - embracing the mistakes as a part of the perfection.
What meaning does this poem hold for you?
Do these words remind you of a song or poem or proverb that you have heard before?
Do these words benefit you in any way?
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you. Peace for now, and remember, stay CHARMED ~