6 Moana and the Hero’s Journey
“I am Moana of Motunui. You will board my boat, sail across the sea, and restore the heart of Te Fiti.”
I Am Moana
I am Moana. I love my people. I love my island. I love the sea. I am a chosen one. I am daughter and granddaughter. I am daughter to the chief. I am islander and voyager. I am persistent and brave. I am not afraid. My courage is grand. I am a wayfinder. I am a heart-bearer and restorer. I am a hero. I am a leader. I was born to lead. I have all that I need to do all that I need to do. I am beautiful. I am fit. I am wise. I am a friend. I am loyal. I am Moana.
Following the Journey of the Hero: Moana
A Nobel Birth into an Ordinary World
How is the hero's lineage mythically established?
Moana has a noble heritage. Like her father before her and his, before him, she is the oldest child of the village chief. A natural leader, she commands authority. Her grandmother is a storyteller and a bit of a shaman as well, mastering death and assisting Moana even after death. Moana is a descendant of voyagers.
What is ordinary about the hero’s life as we are first introduced?
Moana lives on the island of Motunui. There, the villagers go about their day to day routines. There is food to harvest and prepare. Baskets to be woven, houses to be repaired, and children to be taught. The day to day rituals are ordinary.
The Call to Adventure
What calls the hero to take action?
Moana feels the call from within. From birth, she has a natural attraction to the ocean. As she grows older and begins to take on the responsibilities of a village leader, there are several things that occur that make her desire for voyage and exploration even a practical calling. Her island is dying. The coconut groves are diseased, and the fish are all gone. Even more powerfully, her heart is pulled across the reef even before she goes there physically. The final push, is the will of her grandmother to follow the call. “Go.” her grandmother says. These are the last words of her mentor before she passes away.
The Refusal of the Call
Why is this hero not following her heart fully as the story begins?
Even as Moana feels pulled by the ocean, she is also is pulled by the desire to be a perfect daughter. She admires her father and his wishes. As she is pulled to the water, he points her to the island and to her responsibilities: he does not want her to go past the reef. At one point, however, the call throbbing within, she climbs into a canoe and pushes out into the ocean only to be capsized. Drenched and beached, she feels defeated and thinks to give up her quest and to commit fully to staying on the island and leading her people just as her father wishes.
The Mentor and Supernatural Aid
Who helps guide the hero to begin the quest?
Moana’s grandmother plays a big role in helping Moana to stay true to her calling. Mother to the chief, and village storyteller, she is a respected figure on the island even though she calls herself “the village crazy lady.” She witnessed the sea offering Moana the heart of Te Fiti. And when Moana dropped it as a baby, grandmother picked it up and encased it in shell making a beautiful neckless for her to keep it until she knew Moana would be ready for the task of restoring the heart to Te Fiti. She helps Moana by teaching her the stories and encouraging her in her calling. Finally, she takes Moana to the entrance to a large cavern, and points the way in. Within Moana discovers more of her heritage, her people were in fact voyagers. She also now has access to a canoe made for voyaging across the reef in discovery of new islands. At death, grandmother uses her last words to direct Moana to her mission. And after death, her spirt is with her, guiding her and appearing to her in the toughest of times.
The ocean too, throughout this story is a supernatural aid to Moana, initially gifting her with the heart to restore and helping her through her challenges to find her way.
The Crossing of the First Threshold
With the words of her grandmother, Moana prepares and then, leaves her island. The crosses the reef, and into the extraordinary world of adventure.
Who helps the hero after the departure from the ordinary world?
The sea continues to guide Moana. After much persuasion, Maui too, helps her. He teaches her how to sail and helps he in battle. During the final challenge - he even risks his life so that she might be saved.
The Road of Challenges and Temptations
What are the tests and what heroic characteristics revealed during the tests?
After her departure, Mona faces a number of tests. Until she meets up with Maui, she must teach herself how to sail and by trusting in the stars and her grandmothers, word, she must find Maui. After finding him, she then has the challenge of persuading him to help her. Then, there is the The battle of the coconuts, kakamora, and then, the monsters of Lalotai . Nearing Te Fiti, there is Te Kā, a demon of earth and fire.
What is the defeat?
When suffering her first defeat after leaving home and the abandonment by Maui, Moana is ready to turn back. She is full of doubt—self-doubt. She even releases the heart back into the ocean.
Revelation - Death and Rebirth
How is the hero reborn?
With the help of her grandmother, Moana’s spirit is renewed. She has suffered through the dark night of her soul and is now unstoppable; She is now ready to take on whatever fate has in store for her.
What atonement is made?
The atonement is quickly made: the heart of Te Fiti is restored.
The Gift/ Reward
She is gifted with with the joy of the restoration of life. She is gifted with a canoe to make the return voyage. She is gifted with the return and the vibrant life of her beautiful island. She is gifted with the freedom to live the life she loves.
And so the hero passed from the ordinary into the extraordinary and back again - home. But in the return, changed, transformed. And, bearing gifts for the community.
What important aspects of life are highlighted in this story of Moana or of Maui lifting the sky?
Other than entertainment, what purpose could this story have?
How are you like Moana or Maui?
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