16 The Seven Directions Prayer of the Maya
“From the East,
House of Light,
May Wisdom dawn in us
So we may see all things in clarity.
From the North,
House of Night,
May Wisdom ripen in us
So we may know All from within.
From the West,
House of Transformation,
May Wisdom be transformed into right action
So we may do what must be done.
From the South,
House of the Eternal Sun,
May right action reap the harvest
So we may enjoy the fruits of Planetary Being.
From Above,
House of Heaven,
Where star people and ancestors gather
May their blessings come to us Now.
From Below,
House of Earth,
May the Heartbeat of her Crystal Core
Bless us with the harmonies to end all war.
From the Centre,
Galactic Source,
Which is everywhere at Once
May everything be known as the Light of Mutual Love.
Oh Yum Hunab Ku Evam Maya E Ma Ho.
All Hail the Harmony of Mind and Nature.”
In the East, I gather the light. Waking to wisdom, my eyes see with understanding; I am wisdom; I am clarity. In the North, I embrace the darkness. I mediate on my inner peace where wisdom is expanding. Turning West, I allow transformation. An alchemist, I shape my thoughts into right action and do all the things that must be done. Turning South, Eternal Sun, I welcome the harvest, enjoying this life on this beautiful planet. I reach above, to heaven. Connecting with the universe and the ancient ones, I am thankful for the blessings of this day. Bending low, I touch the Earth and feel the heartbeat of my Mother the earth and I celebrate the harmony of peace. Centering now, in this moment, where all things converge, I am the Light I am the Love, at one with Mind and Nature.
Do you find this prayer meaningful?
Do these words remind you of something you have heard or said before?
Do these words benefit you in any way?
Have you ever considered the seven directions as a way to express gratitude?
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you. Peace for now, and remember, stay CHARMED ~