15: Delight: Being Thankful for Community
“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
You matter to me. I am who I am because I dwell in community with you. The thoughts you think and the words you speak, ripple through the airways and the internet. Your expressions and actions travel as energies cast over miles and miles of desert sands and ocean waves, or even just across a street, a room, a shoulder. I hear you. I see you. We are together. What you do affects my life. How you live affects my world. I trust you. I need you. You matter. Your choices are important.
I dwell in community. I appreciate community. I am not alone. I celebrate how we are alike. I celebrate our differences. I celebrate my oneness with others, with you. In community I am who I am, fully. I laugh and I cry in community —because of community—for community.
In this day of pandemic, when circumstances separate us, may we take the time and space to think about the importance of the other. We are communal beings. We need each other. As we are asked to be distant - socially, may we understand that even in isolation, we are together. We experience and walk through these times, simultaneously, collectively, and our collective dynamic is important. Our needs are met through commitment and togetherness. Each one of us is a universe, and we are greater than ourselves.
Video Transcript:
Thank you
Thank you for others
Thank you for each soul
Thank you
Thank you for my family
and my ability to love and be loved
Thank you for all of my relations
and all of the ways we interact
Thank you
Thank you for my friends
How beautiful they are
Thank you for their kindness
Thank you
Thank you for my neighbors
Thank you for their smiles
Thank you for everyone
and all of the various styles
Thank you
Thank you for my inspirations
From the many regions of this world
Thank you
Thank you for each life
Thank you for oneness
Thank you for connection
Thank you
Centering Thought:
I dwell in community; I grow.
Who are the people in your life?
Are you thankful for your connections?
Do you enjoy the company of others often?
How often do you spend good quality time with friends and family?
I am so thankful for all of the people in my life. I am thankful for relationships. I am thankful for connections and community.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.