“In the vessel of your body, you yourself are the world tree, deep roots in the Earth and a crown of stars. Your essence bridges dimensions.”
Reading the dictionary this morning, I search through all of the meanings for my focus word of my day: ground. It seems, the way I am using this term, is not defined in the dictionary - and that’s just fine with me. Before I even knew to use this term, I was grounding. I’ve been grounding all of my life. I love it. I love the Earth and connecting with the Earth. I love soil. I love the feel of it and the smell of it. When I am frazzled, and thin, and dissipating - the quickest way to find solidity again and peace of mind and wholeness is to get into nature. To disconnect from all of the dings and pings of the world and touch the bark of a tree. My energy is renewed - my vibes elevated.
Sometimes it is hard to get away - or maybe the weather is not conducive to full out grounding. I have a bucket in my house full of soil and trays of microgreens in various stages of growth. Even on a small scale, working with soil and plants can be very effective. Even growing sprouts can do wonders for overall wellbeing.
I searched for a definition of how I am using the term. I found this written by Lockett from
“Grounding, also called earthing, is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or electrically reconnect you to the earth.”
I am so thankful this word is my word of intention today. While I try to get into nature on a daily basis, this week has been a busy one. I am at work at the moment, otherwise I would be out walking with my dog in the woods. They are calling - so patient and rooted and steadfast - I answer and smile: “soon, soon . . . “
Bullet Journaling connection.
Do you have more positive of negative connotations of the word ground?
Do you ever feel like you need a little grounding?
Do you set aside time in your life for grounding, or do you just, from time to time notice - '“Ah, I’m grounding”?
What are your favorite ways to “ground” yourself?
What can I learn from ground?
I am so thankful for my great love an appreciation for nature. I am thankful for the land where I grew up and the woods there where I played as a child and the spring and the creek. I am thankful for all the green places and spaces throughout my community where I live now and the vast meadows and swamps and forests and desserts throughout the world. I am thankful for this beautiful planet - and all of its green.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day! Please leave a comment below. I would like to know your thoughts on this word: ground - or more commonly used grounding. Namaste!