“It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure in order to embrace the new & unknown. ”
I release. I release control. I release negative thoughts. I release built up tensions. I release pain. I release sorrow. I release my sadness. I release doubt. I release my emptiness. I release expectations. I release my desire to know. From the breath meditation of yesterday - today in the exhale - I release. I release all fear. I release my Earthly connections - I hold on to nothing - I let it go. I am free.
I release. I release my freedom. I release positivity. I release my ease. I release my health. I release my joy. I release my happiness. I release belief. I release my fullness. I release my wonder. I release my knowing. From the breath meditation of yesterday - today in the exhale - I release. I release all security. I release my Earthly connections - I hold on to nothing - I let it go. I am free.
I release love. I release light. I release creativity. I share from the abundance within. I release my knowledge and wisdom. From the breath meditation of yesterday, I exhale. I release. I hold nothing for myself. I release - I let - go.
Bullet Journaling connection.
Do you have more positive of negative connotations of the word release?
Are you aware of your ability to release?
What is it that you need to let go of?
What can I learn from release?
I am so thankful for my ability to release. I am grateful for the feeling I have as I let go of all that doesn’t serve my greatest good and the good of those around me. I am thankful for the freedom that release brings. I am thankful also that from an abundance of love and light and creativity energy, I am able to release love and light into the world.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day! Please leave a comment below. I would like to know your thoughts on this word: release - May this day - be a day of release ~ Namaste!