13 Gratitude
To the web-weavers - Spinners of the finest threads - Thank you spider friends ~
“Omnia mutantur, nihil interit
Everything changes, nothing perishes ~ ”
I have always loved the ancient Greek story of Arachne. Her name in Greek means “spider.” The story comes from Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Here is one version: Arachne, a spinner and weaver of beautiful things, grew so confident in her artistry that she challenged the goddess Athena. Athena, disguised herself and tried to warn Arachne of such boldness, but Aracine continued to boast. Athena, growing tired of the insults, withdrew her disguise and stood before this weaver in all of her radiant glory. The contest began at once. Athena wove a tapestry of the gods, depicting how they helped people from Mount Olympus. Arachne, also wove a tapestry of the gods but depicted them abusing and misusing humans. Though her work was more beautiful, Athena was enraged. Perhaps jealous of the perfection of her opponent’s piece, or perhaps offended by the content, or both - she ripped it into shreds and transformed Arachne into the first spider, cursing her and her descendants to weave for all time.
Today, as I give thanks to the spiders, for all that they do in keeping the world balanced and beautiful, I think of this story. When I review and reflect on this story today - I find it a little ironic. Supposedly the moral is - “don’t set yourself up as equal with gods.” However - it seems the storyteller - as is true with all of these Ancient Greek myths that I am aware of - has depicted the gods in the image of man - Athena is jealous and defensive - concerned with things of the ego and lashes out in revenge - and so - I think about balance - here - humanity - divinity - where do they meet? Spiritually we are beckoned to throw off our burdens and embrace our divine nature - Arachne - yes I think of you today - spin on beautiful weaver!
“Thus I, gone forth, as spiders do, In spider’s web a truth discerning, Attach one silken strand to you For my returning.”
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you. Are you are grateful for your life and all of its aspects as I am? Share your thoughts with me. Let’s be thankful together. Peace for now, and remember, stay CHARMED ~