16 Gratitude
Bridges - I thank you - Connecting the world and me - You span across miles.
“Rather than focusing on the obstacle in your path, focus on the bridge over the obstacle.”
I love the bridges in my life - both concrete and abstract - the physical and metaphorical. The spiritual - and the emotional and the social - and the literary. Both personal and interpersonal fascinate me. I delight in the bridge. As for the physical - I delight in the sound it makes as I cross over - hollow like a drum. Some bridges give at my weight - I enjoy the views I am able to achieve while crossing. Sometimes bridges scare me - rising so high - passing over depths I can not even fathom. Bridges connect - they can be troll hangouts - they span the gap - provide ease of access - bridges - I thank you!
Note: Some of the most fabulous bridges I have crossed in my life were over Mad Indian Creek in Lineville, Alabama, a place I called home for awhile. I doubt they are still there today. I think the 100 year flood took them out. Perhaps I could return to see. We called them the swinging bridge and the barrel bridge. One spanned a wide gap - suspended by ropes and would swing and bounce when transversed. The other, the barrel bridge was made of barrels with open ends where the water would pass and topped with cement. In some seasons, the water would pass over the barrels I would have to take my shoes off - if wearing them - and pass over through the refreshing water.
“Passion is the bridge that takes you from pain to change”
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you. Are you are grateful for your life and all of its aspects as I am? Share your thoughts with me. Let’s be thankful together. Peace for now, and remember, stay CHARMED ~