28 Gratitude
Good to go here or there—so well-worn and winding—pathways, I thank you.
“When the path ignites a soul,
there’s no remaining in place.
The foot touches ground,
but not for long.”
I love pathways. I love paths physic and paths metaphysic. I love concrete paths and abstract paths. I love to walk on them and to look at them. I even like to make my own if I need to do so. Paths make traveling easy. They keep me from getting lost. They allow me to enjoy sights as I walk - without having to worry about finding my way. I rest when I walk along pathways. I love paths. I love the paths my mind takes when I am remembering good times and when I think of future opportunities. Paths—I thank you.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you. Are you are grateful for your life and all of its aspects as I am? Share your thoughts with me. Let’s be thankful together. Peace for now, and remember, stay CHARMED ~