Woodland Meditation Twenty-five

photo taken by David Beasley

photo taken by David Beasley

You twine and tighten. Embracing your host fully. Patterned beautifully.


Get Support

Twisting in so many patterns, catching the light here and creating shade there, vines and brambles remind me to go with the flow - hang loose and be content. Support is good too, especially if you are a vine - and in this human life we live too - support is essential. Getting support is not a sign of weakness - its just part of the journey - and support is all around - it’s available on every turn - These vines tell me its OK to rest in the branches - even while supported - I can flourish ~


Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you. Do you love the woods as much as I do? Share your experiences with me. Peace for now, and remember, stay CHARMED ~


Woodland Meditation Twenty-six


Woodland Meditation Twenty-four