Thought 26 - Through the Body, Transform

Transformation is through the body.
— Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now


I transformation through my body. My body helps me. I let my breath take me into my body. I dwell in my inner body in stillness. From stillness, I move. After movement, I am still again. I feel my presence in my body. I feel joy in my body. I feel love in my body. I feel peace in my body. I am at peace with my body. I love my body.



  1. Do you have a good relationship with your body?

  2. What are the things you like about your body?

  3. What do you think Tolle means by this phrase: transformation is through the body?


I am so thankful for my body. I am thankful for strength and grace. I am thankful for the ability to move. I am thankful for the ability to communicate through my body. I am thankful for all that I experience because of my body. I am thankful for the health of my body and all of my bodily functions.


Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.


Thought 27 - Forgiveness


Thought 25 - The World is Alive