Thought 12 - The Power Within is Always Available
“True power is within, and it is available to you now.”
I am powerful. I have inner power. I take responsibility, I am am powerful. All blame, I banish. I keep my power; I do not give it away. With my power, I make changes in my life. I am the hero of my life. With my power, I make choices in my life. I make the choice again and again to accept responsibility. I relinquish all guilt. I forgive. Forgiveness is an act of power. My responsibility is not guilt. I celebrate who I am, where, I am, and what I think, and speak, and do—-daily. I am powerful. My power is within. I find it in my stillness. I radiate. I am a radiator of a golden light. I create. I am the creator of my moments. In the powerful now of my existence, everything I do I fill to the brim with quality and respect and care and love. In my emptiness, I move mountains.
Centering Thought
My power is within and is always available.
Do you feel powerful?
Do you tap into your inner power?
Do you have positive or negative connotations of the word “power.”
When you visualize yourself as powerful, what is your feeling?
I am so thankful for my power within. I am thankful that I have power. I am thankful that I can check into it throughout my day. I am thankful that it is true. I am thankful that it is love. I am thankful that it is golden. I am thankful that it is available to me always.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.