Thought 13 - I Am Eternal
“End the delusion of time.”
“To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time: the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation.”
Time is a construct of my imagination. I use it as I wish, as I need too. A simple tool, like language, time is useful. I am not trapped by time. I am greater than this time that I think in my mind. I live in the now. I have arrived. I am always here. My ego loves to play in the past or in the future. I understand this. I observe it. The past is not my reality. It is a construct. I let it go. The future is a myriad of possibilities all created in the now but only existing in my mind. I am not my ego. I am not my mind. I am eternal energy existing forever in this moment. My residential dimension is spiritual, and timeless, and available to me now. With my presence -time falls away. There is no death. Death is delusion. Death is only for the living - another construct to understand physical loss from this Earth experience. I recognize memory and anticipation for what they are, and enjoy my life — my life is now.
Centering Thought
I am endless; I am eternity.
What do you think about eternity?
Where are you in your mind for most of your days: past, present, or future?
How do you feel about the affirmation: I am eternity?
I am so thankful for this moment. I am thankful for my unending energy. I am grateful for time. I am thankful that I have all the time I need to live the life I love. I am grateful for eternity.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.