Thought 18 - I Cultivate My Presence
“. . . grow in presence power.”
“Be deeply rooted in yourself.”
I grow in presence power. I am grounded. I am safe. I am deeply rooted in myself. I am aware that I am always only truly existing in the now. I can only think about the past or the future; both are only constructs of my mind. I simplify. I practice enjoying each moment. I am patient with myself. I expand. I feel my presence. I am full.
Centering Thought
I cultivate my presence; I grow in presence power.
How would you define the term cultivate?
Do you have more positive or negative connotations of the word cultivate?
Do you cultivate your presence?
I am so thankful for my groundedness. I am thankful for my presence on this Earth. I am thankful for my breath and breathing. I am grateful to be here, now.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.