Thought 19 - I Am Exactly Where I Need to Be
“Wherever you are, be there totally.”
“Stress is caused by being ‘here’ and wanting to be ‘there’ ”
We’ve talked about time, now let’s consider space. Time and space create the setting for our life story. Time is a construct of the mind. Space is the place of existing. When I practice yoga, I place a mat on the ground or floor where I will be. I am intentionally creating space to do what I want to do. I mist essential oils, and maybe burn a little sage. The space is sacred. Set apart. It is quiet and safe. I am free of all distractions. I feel comfortable and unhindered. I do my best to be present. I am mindful of my breath. With awareness, I inhale and exhale. I relish the moment. I am happy, and I smile. In mountain pose, a foundational pose, I ground my feet. I feel the weight in my hands - the energy. I am balanced. I center. I connect. I am able to flow through the poses. Sometimes, I work on my own, moving through asanas that I have learned and that feel good to my body. Sometimes, I follow the lead of an instructor who is more advanced than I am. I enjoy the leadership and the challenge. If my instructor moves into a level of a pose that I cannot match, I breathe deeply and do the best with where I am - I am doing my best and in this time and space, I am exactly where I need to be. I relax. I let go. In letting go, sometimes even just moments later, I find my body easing into the next level - in letting go, I move forward - deeper - and always - always, I am exactly where I need to be. I can feel the areas in my body that are tight. I breathe and send oxygen to those places. There is no struggle - only surrender.
I finish my practice. I roll up my mat and put it away. I take a step and then another into my day. With each step, I take the sacredness that I created at the beginning of my practice with me. I have practiced and prepared, and now I continue my practice as I flow through the other routines and demands of my day. Wherever I am, I am there totally. I breathe in and out, and I am mindful. I release the thoughts that are loaded with wanting. I want nothing. I know very well that wherever I go, I will always be there. I have all that I need, and I am exactly where I need to be. I am the space. I am the place. Within me, I carry the Kingdom.
You are exactly where you need to be.
Centering Thought
I am here now; I accept; I am happy.
Are you happy with your current situation?
Do you feel grounded in the here and now?
Would you consider yourself a dreamer?
I am so thankful for my ability to hear and recognize truth.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.