Thought 3 - I am MORE than My Mind
“You are not your mind.”
What am I? What is the nature of my being? What are people? To his readers, Tolle suggests, “You are not your mind” (11), and advises: “Be present as the watcher of your mind” (55). He writes, “When Being becomes conscious of itself. . . that’s presence” (98), and states, “Being is your deepest self (107) . . . light . . . constitutes your very essence” (130). (I am reading a Kindle version of this text.)
In stillness, I center and know. As I quiet my mind and draw within, I feel my presence. I am large—entire. I am round and full, whole. I know no want nor worry - I simply am; I am complete. I can watch my thoughts as they arise. I let them drift by. They are not me - I am detached from my thinking. I allow awareness of my body. I feel the heaviness of it. I know that I am not my body; I am so much more than my body. I breathe in and out; I am content. At home and at peace, I am radiant. I am energy, and my vibration sings true. I am pure and my connections are endless. I am life. I am light.
Centering Thought
In my presence I know, I am more than my mind; I am being; I am light.
What are you?
What is the nature of your being?
When you still your mind, who do you know yourself to be?
When you quiet and clear, and tune into your heart-what is the feeling that you feel?
I am so thankful for being. I am thankful that all the thoughts that I think are not the sum of who I am. I am thankful that my body is not the sum of who I am. I am grateful for the energy that is me. I am thankful for the eternity that is me. I am thankful for the love that I am, and the joy that I am, and the peace that I am. I am thankful for my presence.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you. Until tomorrow, Namaste!