Proverbs 1: We Eat the Fruit of Our Ways
I wake to a new day and a new year - so much grand possibility before me - how to start? I start with a focus - a daily reading in a sacred book and words of wisdom to guide— I start also with a word of intention - “embrace.” I embrace the newness of this moment and the words of wisdom - aligning myself with the knowledge that the decisions that I make today with determine my future.
Wise or not . . . we eat the fruit of our ways.
Making a Connection Through Art Journaling
I am posting this short video showing you how I enhance my study through art journaling. In this series, I make journaling cards that I will use as additional writing surfaces for my daily journaling pages. Enjoy!
“Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance. The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of. An apparently trivial indulgence in lust or anger today is the loss of a ridge or railway line or bridgehead from which the enemy may launch an attack otherwise impossible.”
Thank you for joining me today. May today be a day of beauty for you, abundant in joy and full of light. and May this year be abundant in good fruits ~
Daily Passage
The Book of Proverbs Chapter One
Therefore they shall eat the fruit of their own way, And be filled to the full with their own fancies.
Proverbs 1:31, KJV
I am grateful that I fully understand that consequences- are a direct result of my actions and that moment by moment, I choose to live in the best way that I can so that I will enjoy the “fruit of my ways.”
Questions to Consider
Am I aligned to Wisdom?
What advice do I heed?
What are the decisions I am making today, and how will they affect my future?