Waiting on the Edge


Daily Dose of Emily

While we were fearing it, it came —
But came with less of fear
Because that fearing it so long
Had almost made it fair —

There is a Fitting — a Dismay —
A Fitting — a Despair
’Tis harder knowing it is Due
Than knowing it is Here.

They Trying on the Utmost
The Morning it is new
Is Terribler than wearing it
A whole existence through.

Daily Scripture Reading

Anchor Verse

My time is up, the Son of Man is about to be handed over to the hands of sinners. Get up! Let’s get going! My betrayer is here.’
— Matthew 26:46, MSG


We are pilgrims on a road. We do not know where our path will lead. We do our best to follow. Will there be a morning?

Prepared and waiting. Waiting. The disciples could feel the intensity of each moment. Probably unsure of what was to come. How could they know? Jesus told them all that would happen. He made it clear. But sometimes, there are things we can’t perceive at first hearing. Especially if we don’t want to believe. And especially if the news involves the shaking of our reality - our foundation. There was talk of betrayal and death. There was talk of return through the clouds. What did it mean? As the poet obscures in times like these, they were being “fitted” for the truth.

Foresight into the future, Jesus was aware. He indicated to them things that were to happen that came to pass. I think in this way - he was creating memory that could be reflected on when their core would be ripped away.

Our poet speaks of times of waiting - waiting for the inevitable. She openly shares her feelings and communicates that sometimes having the expected finally happen - even if it is the worst scenario - is a better feeling than being on the edge - waiting. However - she ends with the revelation of the pain that a new infliction gives.

I don’t understand all of the twists and turns of our journey. I do not understand how our God who is a God of mercy could demand a blood sacrifice. There is a lot of wrath here. There is a disconnect. Jesus struggles with the road he knows he must walk - the cup he must take - the new “fitting” he must wear. Alone - he struggles and transcends - “Not my will but yours.” He releases control, and goes where the universe takes him - towards the cross.

Early in this book Jesus says God requires mercy, not sacrifice. What am I to conclude with the blood that is shed here - the innocent blood? I conclude that it is not God who demanded this, but people - and their lack of faith.



Hello. Welcome to our meditation for acceptance.

Find a comfortable place free from distractions. Sit up tall. Breathe in deeply, breathe out - let it go. Breathe in deeply - exhale - let it go. Again. Breathe in - exhale.

Sometimes we may feel uncertain about where our journey is taking us. We may have a foreboding sense of the future and are on the edge of darkness, waiting. Uncertainty often generates fear, anxiety, worry. These emotions do not serve our well being and can not help us through these times. We must do all that we can to let go and transcend. To accept things as they are moment by moment being thankful that we are here and that we are alive, is a choice that we can make. To find peace, we can return to our life force - to the sounds of our breath our heart. These are constants. Life - is constant.

Breathe in - notice the coolness of the air as you breathe it in. Breath out - notice - it is warmed as it leaves you. Breathe in - breathe out. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. breathe in and feel your belly expand and your chest, expand - exhale feel your heart beating. Breathe in - expand - breathe out - let it go. You are still. You are safe. You are protected. You are loved. You are not alone. Breathe in. Breathe out.

As we go deeper into this stillness that we are cultivating - your mind may begin to drift away from the sound of your breath or your heart beeting, use this thought to help bring you back to the moment - this thought and the sound of your heart beating and your breath as you breathe deeply in and out - in and out - into a quiet rhythmic flow -

I accept
I am aware of things as they are, I accept. I accept - I surrender.

I accept
I am aware of things as they are, I accept. I accept - I surrender.

I accept
I am aware of things as they are, I accept. I accept - I surrender.

Begin to move your body and to become aware of the space around you. Breathe in and breathe out and repeat once more:

From the awareness of things as they are - I accept - I accept - I surrender.

Thank you for meditating with me today. Namaste.


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Word of Intention



Eight Affirmations of Gratitude

  • I am thankful for the path before me.

  • I am truly grateful for guidance.

  • I am grateful for my ability to accept each moment as it comes.

  • I am thankful for how I am prepared for acceptance.

  • I give thanks for my ability to surrender.

  • I am grateful for my ability to transcend my struggles.

  • I am thankful for this day.

  • I give thanks for all that unfolds in my life.


Questions to Consider

  • Am I prepared for what life has in store for me?

  • How accepting of each present moment am I?

  • How can I transcend my struggles?


Thank you for joining me. Love and light to you. Namaste.




Consider the Robin