Free Yourself to Be Yourself
Daily Dose of Emily D
“The Soul selects her own Society —
Then — shuts the Door —
To her divine Majority —
Present no more —
Unmoved — she notes the Chariots — pausing —
At her low Gate —
Unmoved — an Emperor be kneeling
Upon her Mat —
I’ve known her — from an ample nation —
Choose One —
Then — close the Valves of her attention —
Like Stone —”
Daily Scripture Reading
Anchor Verse
“. . . he crossed the sea and came to his own town.”
While society shapes us in many ways and we are truly community dependent beings, sometimes the people in our lives have expectations of us which, if we allow them to, impose restrictions on us. In our scripture reading for today, Jesus, after being away for a long while, reenters his home town. While he is there, the leaders of his home community question and criticize him on pretty much everything he does. Sometimes the people who are the most familiar, like the people in our home town, are the ones who are the most controlling and critical. While in his home town, Jesus is criticized about his word choice, “This man is blaspheming” they say (3). He is criticized about who he choices to hang out with, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” they ask (11). He is questioned about how he eats. “Why do we and the Pharisees fast often,[but your disciples do not fast?” they ask (14). He is laughed at and ridiculed, (24) and he is wrongly accused, “By the ruler of the demons he casts out the demons,” they proclaim (34).
Today through many ways, our society questions what we say, who we are with, and how we eat. And often, if we make the choice to act or say something that is unexpected and out of the norm, we are laughed at and ridiculed and often misunderstood. There is a certain look and a specific lifestyle that collectively a lot of people praise and many in our community would even sell us products to help shape us into that look and fit us rightly into that lifestyle. These voices and ads influence us, but we need to remember, they are not us. We are apart from all of the hustle and bustle, we are only formed in this way if we buy into the hype.
Our poet today speaks of the strength of the soul to resist the temptation to be moved by others. “The Soul selects her own Society — “ she sings. It’s true. We have the power of selection, of choice. Choice wisely. Always show up as you and leave as you too.
That’s why meditation is so beneficial. It is good to disconnect for awhile from others and to spend time reconnecting with ourselves. And mediation is one of the ways we can do just that. In Jesus’ life, he had gone out into the desert before he began to work with others. Getting in touch with who you are and your core values is important. And the easiest way to do that is to quiet ourselves, and still our mind. Sometimes we place limits on our actions based upon what others expect of us. We live the life according to the wants and needs of others. But we don’t have to. May we begin at this moment by reconnecting with ourselves and rejoicing in our uniqueness.
There is a song that I really like. I used its refrain as the title of my post today: I hope that is okay to do, share the words. I almost did not want include a link to the song because of a line in it that may be offensive to readers who may be drawn to this post. But that’s it. My test for today. Will I place this restriction on myself because I think I may be disliked or that others may be offended by my choice. The song is by U2 and it is called “Lights of Home.” I listen to it and am inspired. For me, it is deeply spiritual song and speaks to my journey towards my spiritual home. “Free yourself to be yourself, “ Bono croons, “if only you could see yourself.” It’s time to take a look.
Let’s begin.
Come to a comfortable seated position some place where you feel secure and where you will be free from any distractions. Cross your feet in front of you. Gently rest your hands on your knees or in your lap. Face your palms up or down, whatever feels most comfortable. Smile, close your eyes, and begin to be aware of your breath. Inhale deeply into your nose and exhale slowly out through your mouth or nose. Feel the floor or ground beneath you. You are grounded. You are safe. Settle into stillness. Inhale. Exhale. Take a deep breath in and a breath a long exhale out. Settle deeper into a meditative state, you are relaxed. Let go of any thoughts. Inhale and feel the coolness of the air as it enters your body. Exhale and feel the warmth of the air as it leaves your body. Inhale. And as you exhale let go of any fear you are holding within. Inhale bring in love. Exhale any weakness. Inhale bring in strength. Exhale all doubt you have for yourself. Inhale bring in confidence of your being. Exhale. As you reconnect with your center, remember, you are sovereign in your life. You are powerful, you are unique, you are beautiful, and you are free.
As we go deeper within, let’s welcome our centering thought - our mantra for today. Remember to use this mantra throughout the meditation to help you focus on your intention. Repeat this mantra or come back to it if your mind starts to drift away from this present moment.
I am strong; I am at peace; I am free; I am me.
I am strong; I am at peace; I am free; I am me.
I am strong; I am at peace; I am free; I am me.
And now silently in your mind.
It’s time to let go of your mantra. Begin to come back to your breath. Inhale and exhale. Start to come back to your body. Slowly move each finger and each toe. Raise your arms to the sky as you inhale, and release them as you exhale. Smile. Your day is before you. Live it just as you are. Free yourself; be yourself.
Live a CHARMED Life.
Don’t forget your daily self care practices. Click here for inspiration.
Word of Intention
Eight Affirmations of Gratitude
I am grateful for freedom.
I am thankful for my bravery.
I give thanks that I am free to be myself.
I am thankful for the security I have in myself.
I am thankful for my open mind.
I am thankful for my commitment to living just as I am inspired to live.
I give thanks for my limitless life.
I am grateful that I am free to live the life I love.
Questions to Consider
Do I limit myself based on what others expect of me?
How freely do I live me life?
How can I free myself to be myself?
Thank you for joining me. Love and light to you my friend. Namaste.