Traveling Light

Daily Dose of Emily D

I had been hungry, all the Years –
My Noon had Come – to dine –
I trembling drew the Table near –
And touched the Curious Wine –

’Twas this on Tables I had seen –
When turning, hungry, Home
I looked in Windows, for the Wealth
I could not hope – for Mine –

I did not know the ample Bread –
’Twas so unlike the Crumb
The Birds and I, had often shared
In Nature’s – Dining Room –

The Plenty hurt me – ’twas so new –
Myself felt ill – and odd –
As Berry – of a Mountain Bush –
Transplanted – to a Road –

Nor was I hungry – so I found
That Hunger – was a way
Of Persons outside Windows –
The Entering – takes away –
— -- Emily Dickinson

Daily Scripture Reading

Anchor Verse

Don’t think you have to put on a fund-raising campaign before you start. You don’t need a lot of equipment. You are the equipment, and all you need to keep that going is three meals a day. Travel light.
— Matthew 10:9-10, MSG


We as humans often complicate things. We get an idea and immediatly start wrestling with the whats, whens, and hows of it all. We question, “How do we start?” The answer is so simple, that some will scoff at it: “You start with where you are.” Others ask, “What do we need to begin?” The answer, again simple, “You begin with what you have.”

You are always in the right place at the right time, progressing through this life moment by moment. You always have exactly what you need to do what it is you are called to do. If you are looking through a window and wishing to be on the other side, you are missing the joys of the moment and all that moment has to give to teach. Our journey is a process, and we are asked to trust as it unfolds before us. Our poet today speaks of this hungering for the next level. Then, after experiencing a level up, comes to the realization that she wasn’t really wanting at all. In her last stanza, she writes, “Nor was I hungry – so I found// That Hunger – was a way//Of Persons outside Windows –// The Entering – takes away –.

This concept of being outside and entering in is neat to consider especially with our scripture today. Jesus is calling his disciples together and preparing them for an important journey. They are to travel light, and their mission is to help those in need while proclaiming the good news about the nearness of the kingdom of God. They are expecting to be invited into the houses of the people they serve, and simultaneously are inviting people into the Kingdom. There are inns and outs everywhere in this story. Lots of Windows to get through. The advice Jesus gives for this type of endeavor is plentiful: He advises: Start with where you are. Start with what you have. Be kind and considerate to all. Stay alert. Be shrewd and inoffensive. Don’t be naive. Through it all, no matter what happens, be at peace. Be a survivor. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t hesitate. Don’t be bluffed into silence. Don’t worry about yourself, you are cared for. Don’t be overwhelmed. Start small. If you are true even in your smallest of actions, your rewards will be great.

I think now of Tolkien’s The Hobbit, an Unexpected Journey. Bilbo accepted his quest and left all, including his handkerchief, behind, and returned home laden with treasure. He was true to who he was throughout and gave each moment his best. He was challenged on many levels. Even his traveling companions at times doubted his abilities and even questioned his motives. He did not give up. He had everything he needed even through the toughest of circumstances. I also think of Lord Elrond’s words in Tolkien’s later work, The Fellowship of the Ring:

"This quest may be attempted by the weak with as much hope as the strong. Yet such is oft the course of deeds that move the wheels of the world: small hands do them because they must, while the eyes of the great are elsewhere."

Our ideas may take us on unexpected journeys. There’s nothing for it. Take courage, and begin.


Thank you for joining me today for this time of stillness and centering.

Let’s begin.

Come to a comfortable seated position some place where you feel secure and where you will be free from any distractions. Cross your feet in front of you. Gently rest your hands on your knees or in your lap. Face your palms up or down, whatever feels most comfortable. Straighten your back. Smile, close your eyes, and begin to be aware of your breath. Inhale deeply into your nose and exhale slowly out through your mouth or nose. Feel the floor or ground beneath you. You are grounded. You are safe. Settle into stillness. Inhale. Exhale. Take a deep breath in and a breath a long exhale out. Settle deeper into a meditative state, you are relaxed. Let go of any thoughts. Inhale and feel the coolness of the air as it enters your body. Exhale and feel the warmth of the air as it leaves your body. Inhale and Exhale.

As we go deeper within, let’s welcome our centering thought - our mantra for today. Remember to use this mantra throughout the meditation to help you focus on your intention. Repeat this mantra or come back to it if your mind starts to drift away from this present moment.

I am at the right place at the right time; I have all that I need to live the life I love.

I am at the right place at the right time; I have all that I need to live the life I love.

I am at the right place at the right time; I have all that I need to live the life I love.

And now silently in your mind.

It’s time to let go of your mantra. Begin to come back to your breath. Inhale and exhale. Start to come back to your body. Slowly move each finger and each toe. Inhale and lift your arms to the sky, exhale and and release them to your heart. Do that again, inhale and lift your arms. Exhale and release - holding your hands at your heart. Smile. Your journey is before you and you are well equipped. Safe travels ~

Live a CHARMED Life.


Don’t forget your daily self care practices. Click here for inspiration.

Word of Intention



Eight Affirmations of Gratitude

  • I am grateful that I have everything I need to live the life I love.

  • I am thankful for my abundance.

  • I give thanks that I am included.

  • I am thankful for the feeling of satisfaction.

  • I am thankful for opportunities each day brings.

  • I am thankful for my security.

  • I give thanks for all of the gifts I am able to give.

  • I am grateful for all of the gifts that I have received.


Questions to Consider

  • Do I feel hungry in any way, if so why?

  • In what circumstances do I feel out of place, and what causes that feeling?

  • Are there areas in my life that need to be simplified?



Thank you for joining me. Love and light to you my friend. Namaste.


Thank You in Each Moment


Free Yourself to Be Yourself