The Justest Judge

Daily Dose of Emily D

Judgment is justest
When the Judged,
His action laid away,
Divested is of every Disk
But his sincerity.

Honor is then the safest hue
In a posthumous Sun -
Not any color will endure
That scrutiny can burn.
— -- Emily Dickinson,

Daily Scripture Reading

Anchor Verse

For with the judgment you make you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get.
— Matthew 7:2, NRSV



The focus of our meditation today will be on balance. Finding balance is not difficult, it only takes concentration and patience. We find balance by using the strength of our core and as we focus on that that is unchanging. When we get in in touch with the unchanging divine spark within, we live our truth: we are balanced.

Our poet today speaks of judgement. “Judgment is justest,” she suggests, “when the judged” gives up all but sincerity. Jesus asks that of the judge as well. I love our poet’s word play with justest and justice, moving the noun to an adjective to describe the act of judging while at the same time alluding to the weight of the noun justice. With this move, she subtly relates the symbiotic connection between what is and how it is described. This passage in Matthew, suggest the same. Throughout this chapter, we are reminded again and again about this. Jesus speaks, “In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets” (7:12). This can also be read as, Do to others, because in the same way they will do to you. This is the balance. Our actions whether positive or negative, will always generate a return. At the end of this chapter, people are amazed at Jesus because his words match his deeds (Matthew 7:28). Like Jesus, we have authority when we speak out of experience: when our words are backed by our actions. When we live this way, we have found our balance, and no one can tip us. By acknowledging the truth of who we are and allowing truth to guide us, we arrive moment to moment with genuine authenticity which will pass through every test of scrutiny.

With that said, let’s begin our meditation.

Find a comfortable seat on a rug, a pillow, a chair, or the ground. Close your eyes, rest your hands on your knees and begin to bring your awareness to your breath, slowly breathing in and out. Inhale and exhale. Relax your face. Allow your eyes to be heavy. Release your jaw. Allow any tension in your forehead to fall away. Inhale and exhale. You are safe. Inhale and exhale. Be the watcher of your thoughts, let them drift away like clouds across the sky. Inhale and exhale.

Welcome this mantra to guide you through your meditation today:

I am true; I am balanced.

I am true; I am balanced.

I am true; I am balanced.

I will ring a soft bell as we begin our mediation and then once again to let you know that it is time to let go of the mantra . . .

And now, let’s begin.

It is time to let go of the mantra. Slowly return to the sound of your breath. Gently move and become aware of the room around you. Take as long as you need, and when you are ready, flutter your eyes open.

As you go through your day to day, notice how balanced you are. Are you living true to you? Find your street and your point of focus. Breath. You got this!

Live a CHARMED Life.


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Word of Intention



Eight Affirmations of Gratitude

  • I am grateful for my strength.

  • I give thanks for my acknowledging the truth of my being.

  • I am thankful for my allowing truth to guide me.

  • I am thankful for the balance of life.

  • I am thankful that I am aware that whatever I think, say, or do will always generate a balanced return.

  • I give thanks that I am balanced.

  • I am thankful that I have an unchanging point of reference.

  • I am grateful for my authenticity.


Questions to Consider

  • Of myself and others, am I a just judge?

  • Do my actions always match my words, and if not, why?

  • If I am scrutinized by others, what will they find?



Thank you for joining me. Love and light to you my friend. Namaste.


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