The Turmoil all Around
Daily Dose of Emily D
“It dropped so low in my regard
I heard it hit the ground,
And go to pieces on the stones
At bottom of my mind;
Yet blamed the fate that fractured, less
Than I reviled myself
For entertaining plated wares
Upon my silver shelf.”
Daily Scripture Reading
Anchor Verse
“ But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, saying, “It is a ghost!” And they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them and said, “Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.””
Great loss is suffered in this scriptural passage and in such a trivial way. A daughter dances before her father who happens to be a king. He is so moved that he declares he will give her anything she asks. Her mother has her ask for John’s head on a platter. Her father, though grieved about the situation, has John beheaded and delivers as promised.
In response to this, Jesus pulls away from the crowds. They follow and he works with them, but he does finally get the alone time he seeks, needs.
In all the good that we do, in all the power that we have, we still cannot control the people around us. Everyone has the freedom to say or do whatever it is they want to say or do, and sometimes — a lot of the time, they are not make very good choices.
It is true - the energy that we give is the energy that we receive — but not all of it. In our poem today, our poet blames herself for “entertaining plated wares upon her silver shelf.” For engaging with others or thoughts that she knows to be superficial, she understands her loss. Other people are emitting energy too, and some of it is toxic. Because we do not live in a vacuum, we also have to deal with this negative energy that swirls around us that is generated by others. We can avoid some of this toxicity by not engaging with it. By, as Jesus did, going to the mountaintop away from the crowd. After we release our dross, we are the solid metal. We are the gold. We are the silver. Genuine. And sometimes, we need our silver shelf of refuge.
At times like this, with such grief and loss — it could cause fear and doubt to take root. Jesus says, <“Do not be afraid.” He asks Peter who seeing the wind and waves begins to waiver, “Why do you doubt?” The answer for us in how to navigate through these chaotic times is to have courage, to look for what is real and genuine in our lives and to trust in that. When we consider our provisions for the day, consider how grateful we are to have those and to give thanks. To take courage and to keep believing. If we can do that, we will pass through the turmoil that surrounds us, even walking on water if the situation so calls.
With that said, let’s begin our meditation.
Come to a comfortable seated position, crossing your feet in front of you and resting your hands on your knees. Your back and neck should be straight. Close your eyes. Allow for your breath to slow down. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Inhale. Exhale. Become aware of any sensations you are now feeling within your body. Breathe into those areas, and with each exhale, release. Inhale and exhale. Let it go. Relax your face. Relax your jaw. Your tongue. Inhale and exhale. Release any tension that you may be holding onto in your neck or shoulders. With each exhale, let go. You are relaxed. Inhale and exhale. Your mind is quiet. Enjoy the quiet.
Now Welcome this centering thought for today. It is yours to repeat throughout the meditation, or to come back to if your mind begins to drift away from this present moment.
I take courage; I trust; I step out onto the water.
I take courage; I trust; I step out onto the water.
I take courage; I trust; I step out onto the water.
And now silently in your mind,
Begin to come back to your breath. Gently move your body and when you are ready, open your eyes. Notice how you feel.
Have courage today in all that you do. Be sure to regard all of the little things that bring happiness into your life and give thanks for them.
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Word of Intention
Eight Affirmations of Gratitude
I am grateful for my willpower.
I am thankful for my strength.
I give thanks for my ability to value all aspects of my life.
I am thankful for peace of mind.
I am thankful for my inner sanctuary.
I am so very thankful
I give thanks for my faith.
I am grateful for my fearlessness.
Questions to Consider
Are there things in my life that I am valuing more highly than I should be valuing them?
Where can I go to find peace when I need to?
How can I “take heart” in all situations including the toxicity that others are generating, and not be afraid?
Thank you for joining me. Love and light to you my friend. Namaste.