15 Earth-Body-Soul: A Meditation for Acceptance of Grief and Remembrance
“She was no longer wrestling with the grief, but could sit down with It as a lasting companion and make it a sharer in her thoughts.”
Daily Word of Intention
Centering Thought
I surrender to my grief and remembrance; I accept and release.
Have you ever experienced grief?
Are you grieving at the moment?
Are you allowing your remembrance?
Can you be a witness to your grief?
Is remembrance important?
I am so thankful for my ability to remember. I am thankful for all of my memories. I am thankful for the journey of my life and for those I have loved and who have loved me and for their journeys. I am thankful for the peace of acceptance. I am thankful for my courage to say goodbye. I am thankful for my tears and my oneness. I am thankful for my openness to life and courage to face change. I am grateful for the stages of grief. I am thankful that I can express sorrow. I am thankful for a heart that heals.
Transcript for the Meditation
Welcome to our meditation for acceptance.
The focus of our meditation today will be on accepting and embracing our grief and remembrance.
Sometimes people go - where we can’t follow. The separation is vast - how can we cope?
As a child, when experiencing grief for the first time, I wrote a poem. I still remember the first line: Death - is for the living; they are the ones who notice -
It’s true. It’s true. The one who has passed or even the one who just says goodbye and simply ends a relationship - they are on another journey - while here we are - living -living our life in all of the familiar places and spaces - and there is a gap - a loss - and yet - our beloved ones who have taken that journey - are not lost - they are not lost - they continue.
Our grief, is a way to move through the change - the transformation. It has been said that we are clouds in the sky - transforming - transforming - the cloud is beautiful. It’s here now - but ever so drifting and reshaping- Ah, the rain - the rain is beautiful - the rain is a continuation of the cloud, and the rain encourages the growth of the trees, and the crops, now growing, and then harvested. Energy continues - and continues - there is no end. Even in the harvest -there is no end. Like the cloud, your actions today will continue you into eternity. The cloud rains, and disperses - we no longer see the cloud. But look at the growth it continues. Look to the cloud - so airy - so puffy - That cloud is eternal - we are eternal.
If you are grieving your loss - there is not really a loss - only change. Your beloved one is still there - in all that they said, and did, in what they created - love them - love their continuation- accept their transformation. And be transformed yourself. The love is still there in new forms.
Let’s welcome our grief with joy. Grief is a part of our journey of life. Remembrance is a sacred gift. Through it, we honor those who are no longer physically with us in the same way as before. With courage - let us accept the change - the transformation of life - and in this embrace of death, let us love life all the more - let us cherish the memories - let us also cherish the continuation of our beloved ones. In the grief - look for them in their new forms - expanded - uncontained.
Now let’s move into our mediation for embracing grief. As we meditate on death- let’s celebrate life all the more.
Please find a comfortable position. Sit in a chair or on the floor or ground. Sit up tall and start to become aware of your breath. Breathe in and out. With each exhale, let go of any tension you might have. Breathe in, and breathe out. With each exhale, release. Inhale and exhale. Let your eyes become heavy.
Let go of any thoughts or worries. Simply breathe. Inhale and exhale. Let go. Close your eyes.
To move deeper into this meditation, please welcome this centering thought:
I surrender to my grief and remembrance; I accept and release.
I surrender to my grief and remembrance; I accept and release.
I surrender to my grief and remembrance; I accept and release.
And now - silently on your own.
Slowly begin to move your fingers and toes and gently open your eyes.
As you move through your day today, be the witness of your grief. Embrace it and your remembrance - and then, being fully in the present, look to the living continuations of that beautiful soul whose loss you are now grieving, and with joy, celebrate their life -
Thank you for joining me to meditate today. It is good to be here with you now, together in this time. My thoughts are with you, and I do hope you will have a beautiful day. Peace for now -