27 Odysseus
“Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns.”
I am Odysseus. I have found my love and have created my nest. All I desire is to rest in this happy place, this place of home - of family. My wife and son are dear to me. My love for them is all that I am. I am insane for them. Called to war - I am reluctant to leave, but leave I must. I made an oath. Water and wind and challenges - Tested on all levels. By one eyed monsters, and sirens, and sun gods, I am pushed and pulled. Even into the dark regions, I go - risking my life - all for the single purpose - to find my way home. Athena helps me. She is my guide. She saves my life - with her wisdom, I too am wise. And I find my way - I am finally free and return - home to my son - home to my wife - home.
Homer's Odyssey
Homer’s Odyssey The Heroic Journey of Odysseus has many versions. The original version is not linear but begins in media res (Latin for “in the middle of things”).
Here is a short summary.
Let’s Begin
King Odysseus, great-grandson of Hermes, one of the twelve Olympian Gods, is the son of Laertes, the king of Ithaca, and Anticlea. Wildly attracted to Helen of Troy, Odysseus tried to marry her. But she had many suitors, and Odyseus was not her favorite. While trying to win her favor, he met Helen’s cousin, Penelope, and realized she was the one for him. At this time, hoping to marry Penelope, Odysseus makes a deal with her uncle, Helen’s father (King Tyndareus), promising to prevent Helen’s suitors from battling each other. He pledges to defend the chosen suitor against anyone who would wrong him or attempt to do him harm. Helen married Menelaus. Odysseus married Penelope and in time, Telemachus, their son, was born to them.
Now king, Odysseus is in his palace home on the small island of Ithaca, with Penelope and Telemachus who has just been born. Surprisingly, Helen runs off with Paris, and her husband Menelaus, involks the Oath of Tyndareus, calling Odysseus to help him to get his wife back. Because of the war in Troy, Odysseus is called to leave his happy place. He does not want to leave as he knows it will be a long trip. He pretends to be insane. His insanity was tested, and his ruse was ousted. He had to make the journey.
In the journey, he is not alone. Athena, the goddess of wisdom helps him along the way, saving him from death and guiding him.
The war is ended. Odysseus and crew head home. However, because of their pride, they anger the gods, who cause a massive storm to throw them off course. Odysseus has one goal in mind: to return home. But at odds with the gods, he is forced to face one challenge after another and his journey takes many many years. He battled Polyphemus, Circones, Lotus Eaters, Lastrygonians. He was held captive by sea nymph Calypso for years and years. He faced sirens, Scylla & Charybdis, and because his men ate the cattle of the Sun God, he had to pay for that too. Just as Odysseus finally approached Ithaca, his curious crew opened a magical bag of Aeolus, the Greek god of the winds, and released wind that blew them far away from Ithaca.
Lost, Odysseus goes to the underworld to find information which will guide him home to Ithaca. There he nearly died. However, he overcame all trials and was rewarded with just what he wanted: The King of Phaeacia presented Odysseus with a passage home.
And so, he returned home. But, when he arrived, he discovered that he was still not able to rest. He discovered that his palace had been overrun with suitors who were trying to steal his wife and estate. With patience, Odysseus decided to test the heart of his wife. He wanted to know if she had been faithful to him all of these many long years. With the help of his son, who grew up while he was gone, and a loyal swineherd, he developed a plan.
Always true to him, Athena helped him again. To protect him, she disguised him as an aged beggar. Incognito, he entered his palace. His son, Telemachus, took all the suitors’ weapons. A challenge is proposed.
Penelope will marry the man who is able to string Odysseus' bow and shoot an arrow through a line of small circles. The disguised Odysseus completed the task with ease and the disguise was lifted. Together Odysseus and his son removed the suitors from the place. But this is not all. Again, Odysseus was challenged. His wife was still wary that magic might be afoot and wanted to make doubly sure that the man before her was actually her husband.
She said, “I moved our bed.”
“Impossible!” he replied.
And they were together at last!
Homer. Translated by Robert Fagles. The Odyssey. New York: Penguin Classics; Reprint edition. November 29, 1999. Print.
ODYSSEUS: HTTPS://GREEKGODSANDGODDESSES.NET - Greek Gods & Goddesses, February 10, 2017
Following the Journey of the Hero: Odysseus.
A Nobel Birth into an Ordinary World
How is the hero's lineage mythically established?
Odysseus is the great-grandson of Hermes, one of the twelve Olympian Gods. His father is Laertes, the king of Ithaca, and Anticlea The story begins as King Odysseus is at home in Ithaca, with his wife and son.
The Call to Adventure
What calls the hero to take action?
The war in Troy.
The Refusal of the Call
Why is this hero not following his heart fully as the story begins?
Odysseus does not want to leave his home. He wants to stay with his wife and his son. He dreads the long trip and knows that it will take a long time to accomplish everything he has to accomplish.
The Mentor and Supernatural Aid
Who helps guide the hero to begin the quest?
Odysseus is aided by the Greek goddess of wisdom and craft Athena. Though instructed not to do so, Athena lovingly helps Odysseus, recusing him from danger and guiding him through his journey to safety.
The Crossing of the First Threshold
The gods are angered by the pride of the Greeks and cause a great storm which throws Odysseus and crew off course.
The Road of Challenges and Temptations
When traveling back to his home in Ithaca, Odysseus is challenged on many levels.
Lotus Eaters
Scylla & Charybdis
Cattle of the Sun God
The bag of Aeolus, god of the winds, that blows them far away from Ithaca when they are so close to reaching home.
reclaiming his home (He defeats the suitors who are attempting to steal his wife, palace, and kingdom)
What is the defeat?
Odysseus is actually sent to the underworld seeking information to guide him home. This quest brings him to the verge of death.
Revelation - Death and Rebirth
How is the hero reborn?
He emerges from the land of the dead
What atonement is made?
He is restored to his wife beaus of knowledge only he would have. He reclaims his home and family and kingdom. Those how tried to take all of that from him pay the price.
The Gift/ Reward
King of Phaeacia gives Odysseus his request - a passage home.
And so the hero passed from the ordinary into the extraordinary and back again - home. But in the return, changed, transformed. And, bearing gifts for the community.
What important aspects of life are highlighted in this story?
Other than entertainment, what purpose could this story have?
How are you like this particular hero?
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