11: Aerate - CHARMED Through Gardening and Art Journaling
“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.”
The term “aerate” is usually applied to soil and is generally considered when people are trying to grow things. For a plant to thrive, it needs a proper balance of support, water, sunlight, nutrients, protected space, and enough space to move toward the sun, and air. When something goes wrong and the plant is wilting of diseased, gardeners examine these basics asking questions. Is it getting too much or too little sunlight? Should I water it more often? Should I aerate the soil? These bare necessities do not pertain to plants alone. They are the necessities of life. They are all a part of my CHARMED lifestyle.
When I apply “aerate” to humans, as if we were the soil or the plant, I am referring to our need for fresh air and sunlight: our need to spend time outdoors. Yes, I am thankful for shelter, and I appreciate my home that protects me from the wind and the rain. But, most of the world that we are here to experience is outside, and we do well when we enjoy it.
One of the ways that I enjoy my outdoor space, is through gardening. I “aerate” through gardening regularly. I love to garden. I garden throughout the year. I like to grow flowers, fruits, herbs, and vegetables. There are so many benefits to gardening.
I garden; the sun touches my skin. Like a plants I tend, I photosynthesize! My body utilizes the energy of the sun, and my Vitamin D levels soar. Vitamin D, essential for the way my body operates, strengthens my bones and boosts my immune system. My risk of disease is lowered, my mood elevated.
I prepare the ground, my stress melts away. I place the seeds carefully. I am grounded in my well wishes for these tiny seeds that I place. All anxiety is released. I plant seedlings, situating their roots in the soil. I am as secure as these little plants that I care for; I am calm and relaxed; I am at peace.
I garden, and I breathe in the fresh air. The oxygen flows to all of the cells of my body. The air wakes me. It helps me and heals me. I am restored. I am refreshed. My happiness is real.
Centering Thought:
I welcome the warmth of the sun, and breathe in fresh oxygen; I am alive, and well, and happy on this Earth.
Do you garden?
If you do garden, is your garden indoors or out?
If you do garden, what is it that you like to grow?
How do you feel about gardening?
How do you feel while gardening?
I am so thankful for my garden. I am thankful that I have the times and spaces and tools that I need to garden. I am thankful that gardening comes easy for me. I am thankful for how healthy I feel while gardening and while enjoying the fresh crops out of my garden.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful rest of your day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.