Thought 25 - The World is Alive
“Everything is alive.”
The world is alive, and I am alive with my world. Together, in living, we thrive! I am present with all things. I feel my being - I know I am happy. To the blackberry and rose, I am attached and unattached too. I disconnect to connect. There is great energy in me, and in you, and in the trees and mosses. The clouds rise, and puff, and drift away. Rain falls, and the clover grows. Bees humm - content. They are gathering from the abundance of this living world. This spring is not silent - there is a song - resounding and true: life - life -Life. Everything is alive, and we are one. My awareness of me watching and the world living, is forever moving. We are a dynamic duo. And with God, a trio! A beautiful Triad of Life. Present now - I connect. I connect, and I am aware. My world is alive - amazing - brilliant! Even the molecules of rocks are moving—the glass is liquid - slowly moving - living rock- living glass! I look through to the core - the energy. I am linked in - binded - secure - plugged in -like water merging with water and air with air - alive!
Centering Thought
I thrive in a living world - I am one with the universe and all of creation.
Can you feel the pulse of the Earth?
Do you celebrate your living in a living world?
Can you sense the life in all things?
I am so thankful for my ability to hear and recognize truth.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.