Thought 4: I Create the Life I Love
“Every moment, you consciousness creates the world that you inhabit.”
Like the force of gravity, in this world, there are other constants at work. Energy ebbs and flows around us, within us, as us. We store energy in our bodies. We release energy too. We can push and pull this energy around us with our thoughts. We are energy, and everything around us is energy. And we are connected. Energy vibrates. If we take care of our bodies and minds, we vibrate at a high energy: we have good vibes. If we ignore our minds and bodies, and fail to care for them, our energy levels sink. Self care is paramount. Caring for myself is central to my effectiveness as a powerful creator, creating the life I love.
When I am in the flow of high vibrational energy, I am aware of everything about me. In this awareness, I tap into my source. I am powerful. My creative skills amaze me. I am the creator of my reality - Because I want a positive life, I radiate positivity, and positivity surrounds me. My state attracts a like state. I am an alchemist, and I dip into the waters of the universe, and my supply is constant and abundant.
My thoughts are tremendously important. My ideas are treasures. My words and actions work wonders. I pay significant attention to how I think, and to how I speak, and to how I act. I am a source - and everything that flows from me paints the canvas of my life.
I am an antenna. I am equipped with wireless reciprocity: I transmit and receive. I pick up. I release. I am vigilant to stay tuned to the highest frequencies. I cultivate my consciousness and hone my sensitivities so that I can keep in the highest place and rise above the lower frequencies which are also around.
I welcome my ideas. I manifest them fully, and they spur my creativity, becoming tangible. I write; I speak; I paint; I build; I sow. I am positive. I am brilliant. People who look my way can see the light in me. People who listen can hear the sound in me. My light is pure. My sound is true. My thoughts, my ideas, my words, my actions— all— carry frequencies which shape my reality and benefit others around me. All energies I cast return to me in heaping measures- affecting me in consequence; so I stay aware of what I give. I am cultivating, transforming, and keeping my consciousness high. My results are harmonic; my reality—bright.
If I fall short of what I know to be the true way, I forgive myself, and carry on. If my thoughts, words, or actions are less than best, I reflect - what is it that I need? I shift. I forgive and give myself attention - nourishment, rest, love, patience, time, positive vibes.
Knowing that I have this power to create, I ask, What is that I want to create? I open and allow and expect. I am full of growing, my belly round with life, I am eager for new arrivals. I focus on my positivity. I am aware of where I am moment by moment, and I am content. I am exactly where I need to be and I have all that I need. I let go of all blocks; I release all obstacles; I grow it to the highest possible height for me at the moment. I am a Conscious Creator with a bright reality. I live in harmony. My world is beautiful; my path, majestic.
What is it that you would like to create?
Do you like to create?
Do you consider yourself to be creative?
To you agree, that you create your future by what you are thinking, and saying, and doing in the now?
I am so thankful that I am a creator. I am grateful that I have the power to create. I give thanks that I have a plan and I can make it happen. I am thankful that I create the life I love effortlessly and with ease. I love all of my creations and am thankful for them.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.