Thought 11 - Maintaining the Mountaintop: I Am Vigilant

Use your senses fully.
— Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now


Staying in the Highest Place - 

I am detached but connected. Shapeless, but delighted by shapes. I use my senses fully. I stay alert. Life is happening all around and within, and I am a vital part of that happening. In my vigil, I maintain the mountaintop.

Centering Thought - 

I am alert; I use my senses fully; I stay in the highest place.



  • Do you use your senses fully?

  • Are you vigilant?

  • Are you alert?

  • If you are numb, what is it that you could change to open your senses?

  • How would you rate the quality of life you are living?


I am so thankful for my senses. I am grateful for my eyes and seeing. I am grateful for my ears and hearing. I am grateful for my nose and smelling. I am grateful for my skin and touching. I am grateful for my taste buds and tasting. I am thankful for my alertness. I give thanks that we live in such a beautiful world and that I can experience this beauty with my senses. I am thankful that I use my senses fully.


Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.


Thought 12 - The Power Within is Always Available


Thought 10 - I Act in the Knowing