Thought 27 - Forgiveness
“Through forgiveness . . . the miracle of transformation happens.”
I forgive. I face and accept this difficult idea and in surrender, I find forgiveness. Through failure I find forgiveness. I see my mistakes. I admit to them. I tell myself, “It’s all Ok.” With patience, I embrace who I am - who I was, and I forgive myself. Even when sometimes I do not do what I set out to do, I forgive and stay committed. I let those ideas of who I am based on what I’ve done fall away. I let go of what I think. I let go of pain, and I have room to grow. I forgive myself for the past. I stand in the present. It is all a part of the same journey. I am strong. I forgive others. I pause to acknowledge just how I feel. I feel my feelings and honor them, and then I breathe in and exhale - and let them go. The energy of forgiveness is a healing energy. I breathe-in and cleanse and breathe-out and release - and I am free.
Centering Thought
In forgiveness, I am free.
Do you agree, forgiveness liberates the soul?
Do you need to forgive someone?
Have you embraced the energy of forgiveness?
I am so thankful for my ability to forgive. I am thankful that I am able to forgive myself. I am thankful that I am able to forgive others. I am thankful that I am forgiven.
Thank you for joining me today! I hope you have a beautiful day! Please leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.